Recommendations from the SSMSP
- Protect & manage river flows
- Recover herring populations
- Assess strategies to reduce seal predation
- Restore and protect estuary & nearshore habitat
- Support salmon resilience by protecting and promoting life history variability
- Optimize the health and survival of hatchery-reared salmon
- Assess disease impacts in the face of climate change
- Identify toxic hotspots and sources & work to reduce them
- Continue critical science
- Maintain and improve monitoring
- Continue to test innovative research techniques and strategies
- Make data openly available
- Improve forecasting and recovery with new data and models
- Recognize climate and oceanic changes to salmon and prey in recovery plans and climate initiatives
- Improve education and communication
- Strengthen and support the international community of researchers
- Establish and support a formal transboundary ecosystem science support structure (potentially at Salish Sea Institute)
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